Sunday, September 8, 2013

Spicy Mango Fiasco

This challenge left me a bit sore.  Not in the sense that I had a tough time make it, but preparing it yes.  Mango isn't meant to be spicy, but sure as hell, not painfully spicy either.

I mistakenly cut the jalapeno and touched my eyebrow with my finger after sweating a little.  Felt a little tingly so I stopped with that idea and continued prepping the rest of the spicy mango shrimp.  I kept tasting it to make sure it wasn't too spicy for the boyfriend, not realizing that the jalapeno was still on my fingers.  I had washed them in between tastes and thought it was completely gone, the jalapeno part.

The dinner itself by this point was too spicy for me to handle and I was beginning to think, I need some milk.  The milk didn't sit right so I opted to take a shower since that normally makes me feel back to normal.

BIGGER MISTAKE!  I tried to take my contacts out.  As I did so, I didn't get all the jalapeno out of my fingers!!!!  I quickly hopped into the shower and with the running water, I flushed out my eyes with contacts in.  I was able to get my contacts out after drying my eyes out completely.

The next day, I stupidly tried to put the same contacts in (after a night of soaking in their solution).  Dry eyes and contacts don't mix, especially after jalapeno contact.

I've learned my lesson and to that, and found that if I am going to have any contact with chili from here on out, I was going to wear gloves and my glasses, JUST TO BE SAFE!

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